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Payment terminals

Cancel payment on terminal

Published: 04.12.2023
Updated: 21.01.2025

There are different procedures when cancelling a payment on your terminal, depending on which terminal you have.

Are you unsure which terminal you have? Please see this guide

Select your terminal type below and view the procedure.

Viking terminals

To cancel the latest payment on the terminal, you will need your merchant card.

Please do the following:

  1. Press [MENU]

  2. Press [3]

  3. Press [6]

  4. Swip merchant card

  5. Press [OK]


To cancel your latest payment, please do following:

  1. Press[*]

  2. Press [3]

  3. Press[OK]

  4. Press[1] or [OK]

Please verify that the amount, time and the card-number is correct before you cancel the transaktion. Press ok to cancel the payment.

Castles' Npay terminals

To cancel a payment on the terminal, please follow the steps below:

  1. Press Menu

  2. Press 1 cancel payment

  3. Confirm if you want to cancel the latest payment

  4. Press OK if you want to cancel the payment

  5. Terminal prints a copy to the merchant. Press OK if you want a copy for the cardholder.

Nets SmartPOS

Please note! A transaction can only be cancelled up to one hour after the purchase. After that the transaction needs to be refunded. You'll find our guide for refunds .

To cancel a transaction, please do the following on the terminal:

  • Press on the ‘home’ icon in the top-right corner of the terminal screen, if you're not already on the home screen.

  • Open the ‘Transactions’ app. In the app you'll see a list of the transactions from the past 30 days.

  • Find the transaction you want to cancel by matching the last four digits of the payment card and/or the timestamp from the receipt. Please note that there is a search function available in the top right corner.

For cancelling the payment, the same payment card should be used as the original purchase was made with.

  • Press on the transaction in the list. The transaction details will be shown on the screen.

  • To cancel the transaction, press on the 'Void' button in the lower right corner.

  • Confirm the option of voiding the transaction by tapping ‘Yes’ on the screen.

The payment now shows as voided (indicated by the grey color, the X-symbol, and the crossed out text) in the list of Transactions.