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Payment terminals

Merchant card

Published: 30.11.2023
Updated: 05.04.2024

When you receive your payment terminal, a Merchant Card is also included.  The merchant card must be used when you need to access certain functions on the terminal.

If you have lost your merchant card, you can order a new one from terminal support. If you need to change the configuration of your terminal right now, you can get a code from terminal support to make your changes.


For online support regarding this subject change the flag at the bottom of the page to the country where you have your agreement.

For personal service in English please contact our customer service department in the country where you have your agreement:

  • Denmark +45 44 89 24 80

  • Norway +47 915 08989

  • Sweden +46 8 609 92 00

  • Finland +358 10 80 40 40

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